Get Started Introduction to the modules

Our training package is based on a Heart, Head, Hand approach and creates a framework for any workers involved in the planning process to:

  • access and provide the right resources, for the right people, at the right time
  • develop their own contextually and culturally-specific resources as needed
  • reflect on their own perspectives and what they bring to the planning process
  • learn about culturally safe planning practices for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • learn about and practice different ways to engage in successful planning conversations
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Before we get started on the modules, we would like you to take time to read some of the already published resources on planning for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and for those people with complex needs. These resources will help you start thinking about a wide range of considerations that go into the planning process for people with disability.

Collings, S., Dew, A., & Dowse, L., UNSW (2015). Being a Planner with a Person with Disability and Complex Support Needs: Planning Resource Kit. UNSW: Sydney.

Dew, A., McEntyre, E., Vaughan, P., Cooney, E., Dillon Savage, I., & Dowse, L., UNSW (2018). ''No More Waiting: A Guide for Organisations to Plan with Aboriginal People with Disability”. UNSW: Sydney.

Explore The Modules